
  • Agile Weekly #2

    LeSS Talks: Should Design Teams Sprint Separately From Feature/Product Teams? YouTube Dlaczego Tuckman nie jest dobrym modelem opisującym proces grupowy? | EPALESkala Współpracy – nowa propozycja spojrzenia na dynamikę i proces grupowy | EPALE Accessing Agile Games as a Tool in Transformation and Change YouTube

  • PhD #1

    Idea of PhD series is presenting insights, thoughts and resources that may be interesting or insightful. source: Abrahamsson et al. 2003

  • Agile Weekly #1

    Idea of Agile Weekly is a collection of links and some of my toughs related to them or not. how explain value of AC in plain English? Inspiration by Allen Holub What is Agile? The elevator pitch. | Allen Holub

agileweekly phd